Dark Light

Education in the Prevention of Violent Extremism and Radicalization Within the Tunisian Youth

First of all, how should we define radicalization? Radicalization refers to a social and moral disruption process. This leads an individual to the adoption of a new vision of society, and new behaviors that, in the end, break the social pact. The European Union gives another definition according to which radicalization is the adoption process, by an individual, of a radical ideology in which violence is advocated in order to reach a specific objective.  

Sub-urban Agriculture in Greater Tunis : Strategic Spatial Planning

Since the end of the 19th century, urban growth has been accompanied by a process of transformation of agricultural areas both inside and outside cities. A process that from the second half of the twentieth century has both accelerated and diversified, it has altered, subsequently, the morphology as well as the socio-spatial and environmental organization of urban territories. (Bouraoui & Houman 2010)

Is COVID-19 a positive idiosyncrasy on the socio-economic scale in the Maghreb countries?

COVID-19 posed an unexpected global threat. Indeed, it has spiked a drastic economic downturn in such a short period of time through border closures, prophylactic isolation, social distance, brutal travel inhibition, etc. It has also caused a drastic economic recession in such a short period of time. Moreover, the surge in the use of medicines in hospitals has stimulated a production shortfall in order to meet the needs of the sick. Adverse effects on global health systems with a ripple effect on all aspects of human life as we know it. Sohrabi et al. highlighted the magnitude of the epidemic, as the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the pandemic a global emergency on 30 January 2020.

تقرير تأليفي لورشة عمل المنتدى الإقتصادي المغاربي المنتظمة بباجة حول الفلاحة بالشمال الغربي: الخصوصيات والتحديات والإنتظارات

في إطار مشروع #نخدم تونس، نظم المنتدى الإقتصادي المغاربي سلسلة ورشات عمل حول الفلاحة. وكان اللقاء الأول يوم…

سيدي بوزيد: التفكير في نقابة للعاملات في مجال الفلاحة

من أبرز الحلول المقترحة خلال ملتقى تم تنظيمه بسيدي بوزيد للنظر في الحلول الكفيلة بالنهوض بوضعية المرأة العاملة في مجال الفلاحة، هو تفعيل الاتفاقية الاطارية والعمل على ايجاد وسائل نقل عمومي…