Background Note – Tackling Youth Radicalization through Inclusion in Post-Revolutionary Tunisia.

Mushawarat Consultation – Radio Tataouine

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Dark Light

The widespread assumption that any political change can only come with the assistance of a super power was contradicted when an up-rise in Tunisia toppled a regime that reigned for over twenty-three years. The world was taken aback by these events in a country that “seemed the best in the class: stable, presentably secular, engaged in a steady process of “Economic reform”. Realities proved to be extremely different from the outward carefully drawn image of the country. Despite Tunisia’s positive reputation amongst a myriad of governments, the country became immersed in a political mayhem that remains unsorted to this day. The latest Africa Report refers to “the political infighting” as the main cause for stagnation in economic reform and the primary reason that the European Union (EU) and International Organizations such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) continue to place Tunisia on black lists for terrorism and money laundering. Moreover, the Tunisian Labor Union (UGTT), Tunisia’s strongest Labor Union, is lobbying for more and more strikes against IMF recommendations to the government, making the prime minister’s job to reconcile between the different actors and stakeholders even harder.



Nizar is a Lead Researcher at the Maghreb Economic Forum. He has worked…

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